Spirit Week 2024
February 26 – March 1Please join us for this special week of fun events to celebrate school spirit and support Cecil College!
Monday, February 26
Spirit Week Launch Party: Paint the Town Green & Gold
Elkton Station Campus • 4:30 pm
Wear your green and gold, and join us at Elkton Station campus for our launch party featuring:
- Live Music and Food
- Selfies with Gibson, the Cecil College Mascot
- The Honorable Mayor Robert J. Alt (invited)
- Cecil College President Dr. Mary Way Bolt
- The Honorable Sheriff Scott Adams
- Cecil College Director of Athletics Ed Durham and Student Athletes
- The Honorable Kevin Hornberger, State of Maryland Delegate
- Elkton Police Chief Carolyn Rogers
- Joe Shephard, President of the Cecil College Alumni Association
Please RSVP to agross@cecil.edu.
Tuesday, February 27
Socrates Society Induction Program
North East Campus • Technology Center (Bldg. D), Room D208 • 5:30 pm
The Socrates Society Celebration is a giving event for past, present, and prospective donors who support the mission of Cecil College, our students, and programs.
Wednesday, February 28
Men's Basketball – Cecil College Seahawks vs. Montgomery College Raptors
North East Campus • PE Complex (Bldg. E), Gymnasium • 7:00 pm
Wear your green and gold, and join us at the PE Complex.
Thursday, February 29
Career Networking Mixer
North East Campus • Milburn Stone Theatre (Bldg. B) • 6:30 pm
Join Cecil County Chamber of Commerce, Cecil College Foundation, and Cecil College Career Services for this joint networking event. Business professionals, alumni and students—increase your career connections and expand your professional community at this exclusive, informal event.
This event is free and open to the public!
Please RSVP to agross@cecil.edu or tdowell@cecil.edu.
Friday, March 1
Milburn Stone Theatre Night: The Mountaintop
North East Campus • Milburn Stone Theatre (Bldg. B) • 7:30 pm
The Mountaintop is a gripping reimagination of events the night before the assassination of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
More Information
To familiarize yourself with Cecil College's campuses, check out our interactive maps for North East and Elkton Station.
For more information about the Cecil College Alumni Association, visit cecil.edu/alumni.