Pictured: Rick Walbeck, Captain of Public Safety (left) and Walt Beaupre, Director of Public Safety (right).

In our continued commitment to preparing our college community for an unforeseen situation, whether it be on our campus or wherever you are in your travels, I ask you to please take a few minutes to watch this important video.

—Dr. Mary Way Bolt

Our Commitment to You

Cecil College Public Safety works to ensure a safe environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Cecil College understands the concerns of students, staff, and the community regarding the safety of individuals on a college campus and accepts the responsibility to employ appropriate security measures.

While all members of the community should exercise good judgment and take reasonable precautions to ensure their own security and safety, Cecil College is committed to working with the community to make our campuses safe, secure environments.

The Public Safety Department of Cecil College is responsible for protecting the property, students, staff, and visitors of the College and works to provide a safe learning environment at all college sites. Cecil College employs a full-time Chief of Public Safety in addition to full-time and part-time officers. The full-time officers are sworn Maryland Special Police Officers.

Public Safety Services

LiveScan Fingerprinting

In addition to campus security, Cecil College Public Safety offers electronic fingerprinting services to the community.

Seahawk Alert

Sign up for Seahawk Alert to have official college notifications sent straight to your phone or email.

  1. Go to cecil.omnilert.net to enroll.
  2. Click on Sign Up in the upper right to create a new account.
  3. Fill out the form and enter your telephone number for text message alerts, then click Add New.
  4. A 4-digit validation code will be sent to your mobile device; you must enter the code provided and click Validate.
  5. You can add an additional mobile number or email at that time.

Lost and Found

The office also provides lost and found services. Items can be turned in or recovered at the Public Safety office located in Room D205 in the Technology Center on our North East campus as well as Room 114 at our Elkton Station campus.

Safety Escorts

Public Safety also provides safety escorts to employees, students, and visitors on our campuses. Anyone needing a safety escort to vehicles in our parking lots at the North East campus and Elkton Station can call the following numbers during campus hours of operation:

  • (410) 287-1601 (North East)
  • (410) 287-1602 (Elkton Station)

View our campus maps.

Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, or Hate Crimes on Campus

To report an incident of discrimination, harassment, or a hate crime, students should do one of the following:

  • Fill out a Public Safety Report online.
  • Call or visit Cecil College Public Safety:

    North East Campus

    (410) 287-1601
    Technology Center (Bldg. D), Room D205

    Elkton Station

    (410) 287-1602
    First Floor, Room 114

Safety on the Modern Campus

Cecil College Public Safety encourages employees to complete ALICE Training and offers the same free training to students on a voluntary basis. ALICE Training is a research-based, proactive approach to responding to an armed intruder which authorizes and empowers those engaged in such an event to utilize existing building infrastructure, technology, and human action to increase their chance of survival. To speak to a Public Safety Officer about ALICE Training, please call (410) 287-1601 (North East) or (410) 287-1602 (Elkton Station).

Campus Safety Tips

  • Emergency phones are located on the North East and Elkton Station campuses and can be found near entrances, elevators, and in hallways.
  • Walk in well-lit areas and avoid taking shortcuts.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid looking down at your cell phone while walking.
  • Never leave your personal belongings unattended.
  • Always have your keys ready.
  • Report suspicious people or activity to the Department of Public Safety.

The College requires individuals who have been convicted of a felony and/or who have registered as a sex offender, and who are seeking enrollment at the College, to disclose the conviction and/or sex offender registration status to the Office of Public Safety. Notification must be made at least 5 days prior to the class or activity start date. Notification should be emailed to safety@nullcecil.edu and include name, address, date of birth, phone number, email address, and the name of the program or activity being pursued. Status does not automatically disqualify a student from taking classes and will be considered by the College along with the age of the student at the time of any aspect of the criminal history occurred, time elapsed since criminal history occurred, nature of the criminal history, evidence of rehabilitation or good conduct, and the safety and security of members of the campus community and campus assets.