Rising Sun Chamber of Commerce donates $3,500 to scholarship fund
Published on October 10, 2018

The Rising Sun Chamber of Commerce donated $3,500 to the Cecil College Foundation to provide scholarships for students in the College’s healthcare programs. From left to right are: Carol Hunter, Chamber Treasurer; Norman Hunter, former Chamber President; Breana Smith, Cecil College student; Jamie Bennett, President; Dr. Mary Way Bolt, Cecil College President; John Beck, Executive Director of Cecil College Foundation; Bud McFadden, Chamber member; David Warnick, Chamber member.
NORTH EAST, Md. - The Rising Sun Chamber of Commerce demonstrated its commitment to supporting higher education with a $3,500 donation to the Cecil College Foundation on Monday, Oct. 8. The Chamber’s contribution to the Rising Sun Chamber of Commerce Endowed Scholarship Fund provides financial support for students in need. The Chamber of Commerce raised funds during the annual Rising Sun Sunfest held in June. This year’s festival featured exhibitions by Oxford Dance Studio, Russell’s Dance and Baton Studio, Cecil Dance Center, and Rising Sun Martial Arts. There were also puppet shows, street lamp singers, a pie eating contest, and a community tug-of-war competition. “I am on my own paying for college, and I work at a local grocery store to help with expenses. So, this scholarship is important as it means I can attend Cecil College in hopes of creating a future for myself,” said Breana Smith, a 19-year-old sophomore and a graduate of Rising Sun High School. The SunFest supports scholarships for students in business management programs. Cecil College offers business associate degrees in accounting, business administration, leadership and management, management, and marketing, along with certificates in accounting, management, marketing, and public relations. In transportation and logistics, the College offers associate degrees in supply chain management and transportation management. Also, the Rising Sun Chamber of Commerce will host its 12th Annual Health Fair featuring more than 50 healthcare related vendors and activities to promote healthcare screenings, exercise demonstrations, lectures, and entertainment. This year’s health fair will be held Tuesday, Nov. 6, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Grace Bible Chapel, 1949 Biggs Highway in Rising Sun. The health fair supports scholarships in healthcare studies. Cecil College offers health profession associate degrees in Exercise Sciences, Health Information Technology, Healthcare Sciences, Paramedic, Physical Therapist Assistant, along with RN and LPN Nursing. There is also a certificate program for Personal Trainer/Fitness Manager. To apply for these scholarships and many more visit www.cecil.edu/scholarships.