Course Schedule

See the name, day/time, and location of courses that will be offered in upcoming terms.

Course Descriptions

See the description, cost, and syllabi for courses.

View, print, or download a complete list of courses available for Spring 2025, Fall 2025, or Summer 2025. Not seeing what you’re looking for? Contact us and let us know.

Course Delivery Formats

There are a variety of course delivery types to offer scheduling flexibility. Below are the delivery types, the abbreviations that will be used on the student schedule, and the descriptions of each format.

On Campus (ONC)
Classes that meet in-person at a regularly scheduled day and time.
Off Campus (OFF)
Classes that meet at an off campus site at designated days and times. Examples include clinical experiences, equine courses, and courses offered at high schools. Students are responsible for their own transportation.
Hybrid (HYB)
Classes that meet in-person periodically with some coursework offered online.
Online/Synchronous (ONLIN/SYNCH)
Online classes that meet virtually and are scheduled on a regularly occurring day/time throughout the semester.
Online/Asynchronous (ONLIN/ASYNCH)
Online classes with little or no designated meeting days/times. Assignments are completed independently with scheduled due dates.
Hyflex (HFX)
Classes that meet at the same day/time throughout the semester with some students attending on campus and others attending synchronously online. Both are taught by the same faculty member. Students must pick the in-person or online option when they register for the course.
Multi Campus (MULTI)
Classes that meet on more than one Cecil College campus.