Cecil College offers tuition waivers and discounts to a variety of populations.

Please review the list below and select the one that applies to you for specific requirements and more details about receiving a waiver or discount.

For more information about waivers, please refer to the college catalog.

College Bound Scholarship

High school students who enroll in college-level credit courses may receive a Cecil College scholarship amounting to 25% of the in-county tuition rate.

To participate, high school juniors must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0. A grade point average of 2.5 is required for high school seniors for program eligibility. Students must meet all other Cecil College entrance requirements and must present an eligibility form signed by a parent and a high school principal or other designated authority.

Cecil County Public School (CCPS) Students please refer to the CCPS to CECIL Scholarship Eligibility Form.

College Bound Scholarship Form

CCPS to CECIL Scholarship Eligibility Form

The CCPS to CECIL dual enrollment scholarship form is for CCPS students who are enrolled in Cecil College classes that satisfy high school graduation requirements. This form must be completed and submitted to the Cecil College Registration Office prior to enrollment in classes. CCPS to CECIL Scholarship participants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 16 years of age or approved for Gifted and Talented admissions.
  • High school seniors must possess a 2.5 or above grade point average, all other students must possess a 3.0 or above grade point average.
  • Be certified by the high school to meet the eligibility requirements.
CCPS to CECIL Scholarship Eligibility Form

Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver

Credit Programs

Tuition and student development fees will be waived for Maryland residents 60 years and older who are enrolled in credit courses. Seniors will be charged consolidated, First Day® Complete, and course fees.

Non-Credit Programs

Seniors enrolled in FTE approved non-credit programs or courses will receive a tuition waiver and will be charged course fees.


Proof of age will be required at the time of registration.

Social Security Disability Tuition Waiver

Tuition will be waived for disabled Maryland residents who meet the following criteria and receive verification of eligibility from the appropriate agency:

  • The student is a resident of Maryland.
  • Student has a permanent disability and is receiving a Social Security disability benefit, (SSDI) or supplemental security income, (SSI) as defined by the Social Security Act, Railroad Retirement Act, or the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (federal retirement or pension authority).
  • The Student must file a FAFSA each year by the specified deadline for all credit courses and specified non-credit courses. Refer to Financial Aid for deadlines.

In addition, the course must have 10 regularly enrolled students to be eligible. Eligible students will be charged consolidated, student development, First Day® Complete, and course fees. Students are exempt from tuition payment for up to 12 credits per semester. Any student financial aid, other than a student loan, shall be applied first to pay the student's tuition. The waiver will apply to the difference, if any, between the tuition charge and the financial aid award.

How to Apply

The Tuition Waiver Form for Eligible Students with Disabilities can be filled out on MyCecil, but you must go through the admissions process first to receive login credentials to access the form.

Maryland National Guard Members Tuition Waiver

Cecil College offers a tuition reduction waiver of up to 50% of the in-county tuition rate for members of the Maryland National Guard. To receive this tuition waiver, you must do the following:

  1. Obtain a State Tuition Waiver Letter from the Maryland Adjutant General.
  2. Present approved State Tuition Waiver Letter along with his/her current military ID card to the AR Manager.

Tuition reduction will be assessed at the percentage approved on the State Tuition Waiver Letter and the student will be charged for the remaining tuition and fees.

How to Apply

The Cecil College Maryland National Guard Waiver Form can be filled out on MyCecil, but you must go through the admissions process first to receive login credentials to access the form.

Health Manpower Shortage Program

Cecil College participates in the Health Manpower Shortage Program, as approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, in alignment with Maryland state law and consistent with fiscal policies within the College. This program enables out-of-county students to enroll at the College in credit courses that are required in a designated Health Manpower Shortage Program at in-county tuition rates under certain conditions.

Eligible Programs

  • Nursing Programs
    • Registered Nurse (Associate of Science)
    • Licensed Practical Nursing (Certificate)

How to Apply

  1. The out-of-county student completes the application and enrollment process according to College policy and procedures.
  2. The out-of-county student is required to attend an advising session with the College's pre-nursing advisor.
  3. The out-of-county student and advisor complete the "Special Agreement" Form in which the student enrolls.
  4. The out-of-county student will be required to pay the full amount of out-of-county tuition. Eligible students may receive a partial reimbursement of the tuition paid. This reimbursement is dependent upon the level of funding received from the state for that fiscal year. The reimbursement would be no greater than the difference between the student's out-of-county and in-county tuition.
Health Manpower Shortage Program Special Agreement Form

Tuition Reduction for Non-Resident Nursing Students

The Tuition Reduction for Non-Resident Nursing Students assistance is to provide a reduction in tuition for out-of-state students who are enrolled in a nursing program. Eligible students will pay tuition based on the out-of-county rate.

Eligible Programs

  • Nursing Programs
    • Registered Nurse (Associate of Science)
    • Licensed Practical Nursing (Certificate)

How to Apply

  1. The out-of-state student completes the college's application and enrollment process according to policy and procedures.
  2. The out-of-state student completes a specific application form and certification process of acceptance available through the Department of Nursing.
  3. The out-of-state student applies online using the Maryland College Aid Processing System (MDCAPS).
  4. The out-of-state student signs a surety bond or promissory note with the Maryland State Scholarship Administration.
  5. The out-of-state student provides the Cashier's Office with the MHEC letter of approval. The tuition reduction differential will be applied to eligible courses.

Maryland Foster Care Recipients

In accordance with the Maryland Higher Education Commission, Cecil College offers foster care recipients tuition waivers for those who resided in a foster care home at the time of graduation from high school or who have successfully completed a GED® exam.

Upon meeting eligibility requirements, the student is exempt from paying tuition and mandatory fees minus any grants and scholarships. Students must comply with all other Cecil College entrance requirements and must present a confirmation of waiver approval from the State Department of Human Resources, and complete the FAFSA application available from Financial Aid.

Applicants must apply between January 1 and March 1 of each year.

Tuition Rates for Employees of Cecil County Businesses

Employees of Cecil County Businesses who register for credit courses and state-approved non-credit courses may be eligible to receive in-county rates as long as the local business supports the community college and the employer is paying or reimbursing the tuition.

How to Apply

Upon completing registration, the student must provide a letter to the Cashier's Office which states the student's name, active status of employment, and date on which employment began (students must be employed prior to registration of courses).

  • The letter must be written on company letterhead, signed by a company official, and must include the company phone number.
  • The letter must state whether the company is paying the College directly or reimbursing the student. The letter must also state the amount that will be covered and indicate whether the student must meet certain requirements in order to receive the educational assistance. Letters that contain requirements, such as a grade stipulation clause, will not be used to hold students in class. Students providing a letter that contains a stipulation will be asked to pay their balance upon registration. Any student using their employer as a source of payment should be aware that they will personally be held responsible for paying their account in full if the employer chooses not to pay.
  • Each letter must contain the following information*:

    • Student name
    • Employment status/date
    • Course number(s) and course title(s)
    • Start date of the course(s)
    • Stipulations must be disclosed if the employer is paying directly to Cecil College

    * The detailed information above is not necessary if the employer states they will pay for any and all courses taken during a semester with no stipulations.

Statewide Instructional Programs

Maryland residents may attend Cecil College at in-county tuition rates in programs that have been approved and designated as statewide programs by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Eligible Programs


  1. Complete the admissions and enrollment process according to College policy and procedures.
  2. Complete the registration process with an advisor and complete the Special Agreement Form at the time of registration for each semester.
  3. Provide documentation from his/her local community college if the program is unavailable due to the program meeting or exceeding enrollment capacity, if applicable.
Statewide Instructional Programs Special Agreement Form