Program Description
Have you always dreamed of becoming a teacher? Well, Cecil College can assist you with getting started on that dream! The Teacher Education program offers the Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) degree that provides the first two years of study for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in early childhood, elementary, or secondary education. This program enables students to fulfill their general education requirements, participate in field experience, and complete a core of professional education coursework appropriate for the first two years of teacher preparation. With careful academic advising, the Teacher Education program provides a path for students seeking a seamless transfer to four-year public, independent, and most private institutions that offer teacher education.
Program Approval
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA)

Cecil College is approved by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) to offer distance education in the member states and territories. Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), must first be filed with the institution to seek resolution. The student should begin the complaint process with the institution and if resolution is not found, the student would contact the Institution’s Home State SARA Portal Entity, Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). For more information, please refer to the SARA complaint process.
Supervised Clinical and Field Training Experiences
Through participation in NC-SARA and compliance with statutory regulations related to training in individual states, Cecil College is approved to offer limited, supervised clinical field experiences in 3 U.S. states to eligible students. The states include Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. These are the locations currently approved for student supervised clinical and field training. Individual state regulations are subject to change without prior notice and the College does not guarantee locations for clinical and field training experiences.
Licensure Requirements
Students who successfully complete a course or program requirements for nursing, teacher education, physical therapist assistant, medical administrative professional, and paramedic will be eligible to meet the national requirements; however, Cecil College cannot confirm whether a course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in each individual state. Prospective students should contact their state for information on the applicable licensing boards to determine whether the program meets requirements for licensure in the state where students are located.
Associate Degree Programs in Teacher Education
Early Childhood Education (Associate of Arts in Teaching)
This degree provides the first two years of college for students preparing to become Early Childhood teachers. It is designed for students desiring to transfer to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. To earn the AAT degree, students must graduate with either a cumulative 3.0 GPA; or a cumulative GPA between 2.75–2.99 and present qualifying scores on the basic skills assessment for teacher licensure as established by the State Superintendent of Schools and as approved by the State Board of Education.
Required Courses & Learning Outcomes
Refer to the college catalog for a list of required courses and learning outcomes for the Early Childhood Education degree program.
Elementary Education (Associate of Arts in Teaching)
This degree provides the first two years of college for students preparing to become Elementary Education teachers. It is designed for students desiring to transfer to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. To earn the AAT degree, students must graduate with either a cumulative 3.0 GPA; or a cumulative GPA between 2.75–2.99 and present qualifying scores on the basic skills assessment for teacher licensure as established by the State Superintendent of Schools and as approved by the State Board of Education.
Required Courses & Learning Outcomes
Refer to the college catalog for a list of required courses and learning outcomes for the Elementary Education degree program.
Secondary Education (Associate of Arts)
This degree provides the first two years of college for students preparing to become Secondary Education teachers. It is designed for students desiring to transfer to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education. To earn the AA degree, students must graduate with either a cumulative 3.0 GPA; or a cumulative GPA between 2.75–2.99 and present qualifying scores on the basic skills assessment for teacher licensure as established by the State Superintendent of Schools and as approved by the State Board of Education.
Required Courses & Learning Outcomes
Refer to the college catalog for a list of required courses and learning outcomes for the Secondary Education (AA) degree program.
Secondary Education with Areas of Concentration (Associate of Arts in Teaching)
This degree provides the first two years of college for students preparing to become Secondary Education teachers. It is designed for students desiring to transfer to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education. To earn the AAT degree, students must graduate with either a cumulative 3.0 GPA; or a cumulative GPA between 2.75–2.99 and present qualifying scores on the basic skills assessment for teacher licensure as established by the State Superintendent of Schools and as approved by the State Board of Education.
Areas of concentration for this program include the following: chemistry, English, mathematics, and physics.
Required Courses & Learning Outcomes
Refer to the college catalog for a list of required courses and learning outcomes for the Secondary Education (AAT) degree program.
Certificate Programs in Teacher Education
Early Childhood Education
The Early Childhood Education Certificate program is designed to prepare students to work in a variety of child care settings with children from infancy through age eight. This certificate includes the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) 90-hour certification coursework requirement for child care teachers and directors. Students have the option to continue their studies and earn an Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) degree in Early Childhood Education.
Required Courses & Learning Outcomes
Refer to the college catalog for a list of required courses and learning outcomes for the Early Childhood Education certificate program.
Admissions & Advising
Cecil College is an open enrollment institution. Get more information, find out how to apply, or meet with an advisor.
Whether transferring coursework to Cecil College or transferring your completed degree or certificate to a four-year institution, transfer is a viable option to help meet your educational goals.
Cecil College has strong partnerships for Teacher Education with institutions in the region such as Wilmington University and Towson University in northeastern Maryland, as well as transfer agreements within the state of Maryland.
Transfer information for Maryland colleges and universities is available through the Articulation System of Maryland (ARTSYS) website at www.artsys.usmd.edu. Additional transfer information can be found on the Transfer Agreements page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why become a teacher?
If you have a passion for working with children and want to make a difference in the world, becoming a teacher can satisfy that desire. Looking for more reasons? Well, check out the information on teach.com.
What are the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests?
Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) tests measure academic skills in reading, writing and mathematics. These tests provide comprehensive assessments that measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs.
Detailed information can be found on www.ets.org.
How can I earn my Early Childhood Education AAT for free?
The Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund covers all tuition, fees, and books. Requirements include:
- participation in the MD Child Care Credential Program (must be Level 2 credentialed)
- current employment in a licensed child care center or registered family child care provider for a minimum of 10 hours per week
- have at least one year of experience in child care
Please contact Dr. Jennifer Greenfield by email at jgreenfield@nullcecil.edu for more information.
Career Information
Explore careers based on your interest, location and salary range or view top occupations by income.
Full-time Faculty
Jennifer Scott-Greenfield, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Professor of Education
Ph.D., Temple University
M.Ed., Temple University
Adjunct Faculty
Cecil College's adjunct Teacher Education faculty are highly credentialed in their discipline and have years of professional experience. Many of our faculty are employed by Cecil County Public Schools and hold advanced degrees.

Earn Your Degree for Free
Earn your degree for free through a grant funded program. The Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund covers all tuition, books, and fees.
- Participation in the MD Child Care Credential Program (must be Level 2 credentialed).
- Are currently employed in a licensed child care center or are a registered family child care provider for a maximum of 10 hours per week.
- At least one year of experience in child care.
For students majoring in:
- Early Childhood Education Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT)
- Elementary Education Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT)
Get More Information
For more information, contact Alyssa Ehrsam at (410) 599-5263 or ehrs6670@nullcecil.edu.