Online Writing Tutoring
You can share an essay draft with one of our professional tutors and get feedback in as little as 24 hours. Tutoring is always open and available to students on Canvas. For more details, visit the Academic Support page.
Cecil College Library Online
Online Catalog
The online catalog makes it easy to get the books and eBooks you need from the convenience of your computer, tablet, or phone.
Journal, magazine, and newspaper articles can be located using the databases. The library subscribes to a variety of databases that cover a wide range of subjects. In addition to the traditional databases, the library also subscribes to e-references that contain reports, encyclopedia articles, articles from other reference books, videos, maps, images, paintings, and standardized test preparation materials.
Subject Guides
Covering everything from Biology to Western History, these subject guides pull together only the best resources for each specific course. Take the guesswork out of research and find everything from the best books, to the best databases to search, to citation help for each one of your classes.
Need help with your research? Consult these short tutorials, most of which are videos, to help answer the most common questions about using the library's resources.