Cecil Leadership Institute (CLI)
Accept the Leadership Challenge
Building a successful community requires people working together to create a shared vision to solve problems and celebrate triumphs. As we look to the future, well-informed, diverse, and high-quality leadership is necessary for Cecil County to grow and develop in a positive direction.
Through Cecil Leadership Institute, current and future leaders are given the unique opportunity to learn from each other as well as today’s key decision makers. Cecil Leadership participants, their organizations, and our entire community benefit as participants gain the skills and knowledge needed to lead Cecil County into a bright future.

The Cecil Leadership Institute is a community development project co-sponsored by Cecil College and Cecil County Office of Economic Development.
Cecil Leadership Institute Advisory Board
Dr. Mary Way Bolt
Bernard DeMarinis
Sandra Edwards
Jean-Marie Kelly
Dr. Jeffrey A. Lawson, Ed.D.
Megan McRay
John Mettee, IV
Robert Palsgrove
Al Reeves
Tracy Reynolds
Enhance Your Career
- Develop and advance your leadership skills.
- Increase your professional network.
- Meet key thought leaders in Cecil County and learn about their management styles.
- Practice critical thinking and collaboration.
- Engage in Corporate Social Responsibility by planning and executing a community service project.
- Become part of a vast network of more than 525 Cecil Leadership Institute graduates.
Our Program
- Runs for 15 weeks, with a mix of half-day and full-day sessions.
- Each week, different local leaders provide an in-depth look at the inner working of their organizations, including a tour (when feasible).
- Sessions are diverse, exciting, and informative.
Next Session
The next session will begin in February and meet on consecutive Wednesdays through May. The Institute classes will be held at various businesses and organizations throughout Cecil County. The program will also include a service project that the class will plan and execute.
Participants are responsible for providing their own transportation to each session. Sessions are subject to change or cancellation due to circumstances beyond our control. A detailed program schedule will be provided the first day.
Attendance is expected at all sessions—a maximum of two absences are permitted. In the event of inclement weather, Cecil Leadership Institute follows Cecil College’s closing schedule. College cancellations will cancel all Cecil Leadership activities, delayed openings will cancel all morning sessions.
Apply Now
Participants should complete and submit the online application form. Deadline for applications is Tuesday, January 21, 2025. For more information, please contact Laurie Raphael at lraphael@nullcecil.edu or (443) 907-1376.
Non-Discrimination Statement
It is the policy of Cecil College to not discriminate against any individual by reason of race, color, sex, marital status, citizenship, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Please refer to the College catalog for the complete and detailed Non-Discrimination Statement.